Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Fuck Off Fund

This is a nice update. I mentioned my friend’s gofundme page where he’s raising money to cover cancer treatment. He’s surpassed his goal of raising $30,000.
This article tells two versions of the same story, one where everything goes wrong and one where there are options to get out of a negative situation. It was unsettlingly familiar. I am that girl at points in the first story. I’ve been told to save for a rainy day, or a house, or a car, but no one explicitly said save for your independence. The author encourages everyone (if possible) to have a Fuck Off Fund. A stash of money for when a relationship goes south or a boss makes an advance. For many women financial security and physical safety are the same side of a coin, inextricably tied together.
This is a beautiful story about pregnancy and connection. A couple who both get pregnant through in vitro get to share one of the most intimate things together with an innate understanding of each other and the process.
“I didn’t even trust my last girlfriend enough to cum, didn’t want to give her that power to hold over me; power dynamics fuck up relationships real quick.” 
This essay is a beautiful vignette of moments dealing with femininity and sexuality.
 Ashley Mardell posts a series of videos called the ABC’s of LGBT where she discusses all the different gender and sexual preferences a person can have. It’s a very informative series. The last videos are all about asexuality and aromanticism. She also putting together a book version of her video series that will be free to whomever wants it. You can find out more info about her book on her gofundmepage.

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