Wednesday, August 3, 2016

July 2016 Wrap Up

Total Pieces Written: 58
Total Pieces Published: 52
Total Pitches Sent: 2
Total Pitches Accepted: 1

This is my most productive month. And lowest earning month. I feel great realizing how much I can produce even when life gets in the way. I’m on par with Nicole Dieker for pieces produced. It makes me feel like I can do this.

THIS WEEK IN WRITING was about energy, self promotion and productivity. This month was not about increasing earnings.

THINGS I’VE LEARNED July was about being thankful for my savings account and having a safety net. I earned way less this month even though my output was way higher. It’s really time for me to find some new clients.

This Week in Writing: Productivity
This Week in Writing: How much are we willing to inconvenience ourselves for someone else?
Networking Ideas
This Week in Writing: Energy
June 2016 Wrap Up
This Week in Writing: Self Promotion
This Week in Writing: Productivity Up, Earnings Down

Ariana Burrell is a freelance writer and poet working in Southern California. You can find her lurking around the internet here: Instagram or Twitter or Website. If you’re so inclined you can leave her a tip here.

from Tumblr

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