Wednesday, February 10, 2016

On Pandering & Exclusivity

“It is easier to complain about the power you don’t have than to think about how you are exerting the power you do have. And fighting for your own rights is not the same as fighting for equality.”
This is a beautiful yet unsettling Stockholm Syndrome version of Beauty and the Beast. It takes the story out of the fairy tale land and brings it closer to reality.
“The library is yours.
The books are mine.
Your eyes are your own.
What you read is up to me.”
I use social media a lot but I still have my criticisms. Casey Neistat’s piece about facebook is spot on. I use facebook as an extension of my email now and not as a social gathering place any longer. I want the status updates back. I want to know what’s happening in my friends’ lives. I don’t care about buzzfeed articles or quizzes. 
Roots is a book by Alex Haley that follows the life of slave, Kunta Kinte and subsequent generations. The 1970s miniseries adaptation was smash hit and spawned really important discussions about race and American history. British remake is in the works with Malachi Kirby playing the title character. LeVar Burton originated the role.
 “Females prepare ourselves enough to know we will never be prepared, so every decision and choice we make about our body is always the right one.”

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